نتایح جستجو

  1. K

    پی دی اف pdf

    i mailed them to the site administrator . you should ask him .
  2. K

    نژادورنگ این اسب چیست؟

    you can write and talk in any language u like Mr POOZ KHAND, it is easier and faster for me to type in english , if u are comfortable with writing in farsi, then do so.
  3. K

    chat room

    hi, I think we need a chat room to be able to communicate easily.
  4. K

    نژادورنگ این اسب چیست؟

    i think aploosa and paint are the same, They are originally called mustangs, ' from an spanish word ' mastanio"meaning stranger or untamed. how ever, paint horse registreation of the america registers the horses as paint if they have the coloring pattern as the horse shown in the picutre...
  5. K

    تصاویر سجده یک اسب در حسینه ای در بحرین

    it is nonsense. horse can be trained to do these things with ease. it is a simple trick.
  6. K

    نژادورنگ این اسب چیست؟

    take it easy guys, don't tease people. we all have to learn ....
  7. K

    نژادورنگ این اسب چیست؟

    for more info go to http://www.justappaloosas.com
  8. K

    نژادورنگ این اسب چیست؟

    yes thanks rusty spelling I guess aploosa is a good guess,, if u look at the its hind legs, very strongly built and it has front legs that look like a quertor horse i think paint is a color, not a breed.
  9. K

    پی دی اف pdf

    where can I upload it?,or I can send it to an email add. it is 22 megs
  10. K

    ترجمه گروهی کتاب

    i will be glad to help out....
  11. K

    تصاویر سجده یک اسب در حسینه ای در بحرین

    it is funny
  12. K

    books on riding??????

    کریم جان! پی دی اف سراغ داری؟ منیع یا ماخذی برای کتابهای الکترونیک داری؟ I have scanned one book and I have only one pdf about horse and riding.... i can send them by email if u are interested.
  13. K

    نژادورنگ این اسب چیست؟

    it seems to be a splooza, maybe mixed with quertor horse.
  14. K

    books on riding??????

    I can translate from english to farsi. I think the problem is financing the publication and management. about the books, I was thinking mostly of books in electronic format., pdf or so, that are easy to pass over, of we can upload them so someplace where everyone can get access and download...
  15. K

    books on riding??????

    why we are afraid of learning..... it wont harm uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  16. K

    books on riding??????

    HI, I wonder why nobody wants to share his\her books with others, that will help us read and learn more about horse and riding. In the last issue of " DONYAI ASB", , in an interview with a man named mr mohammadi, a book is mentioned that goes by a title like this " the little book of riding""...
  17. K

    معرفی مربیان

    Thanks a lot....
  18. K

    عکس چند پیشکسوت

    ey val
  19. K

    کی می دونه نژاده این چیه؟؟؟

    gypsy horse mixed with something else...
  20. K

    خالص ایرانی یا خون خارجی؟

    kurdishXarab ????