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  • شروع کننده موضوع torobred
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Turks on the Continent

Turkoman horses, aside from being occasional gifts of state, were often brought into Western Europe by various individuals, most connected with the military in some way. Some of these horses have had a profound impact on various European warmblood breeds.

During the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance, one of the most universally acclaimed war and racing horses in Europe was the Neapolitan Courser. Gervaise Markham, Master of Horse to James I of England, describes the Neapolitan in terms which will sound very familiar to the fancier of the Turanian horse:

"A horse of a strong and comely fashion, loving disposition, and infinite courageousness. His limbs and general features are so strong and well-knit together that he has ever been reputed the only beast for the wars, being naturally free from fear or cowardice. His head is long, lean and very slender; and does from eye to nose bend like a hawk's beak. He has a great, full eye, a sharp ear, and a straight leg, which, to an over curious eye might appear too slender -- which is all the fault curiosity itself and find. They are naturally of a lofty pace, loving to their rider, most strong in their exercise, and to conclude, as good in all points that no foreign race has ever borne a tithe so much excellence."

Markham preferred the English Thoroughbred first among all breeds of horses; the Neapolitan second, and the steppe-bred Turk third, notice that he had seen Turks racing on English race courses. (This would have been around 1566-1625.) He also noted of the Turks he had seen that, "Naturally they desire to amble, and, which is most strange, their trot is full of pride and gracefulness."

The most well-known of these horses is possibly Turkmein Atti, (one of many spellings of this horse's name). Although a drawing of him done (presumably) from life shows a horse with many Arabian characteristics, the name is curious in that it means "Turkmen horse" in Turkmenian.