dor kush


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞

نام در قوش
تولد 1345
واردات به ایران 1348 از اتحادیه جماهیر شوروی
رنگ کهر
تیره اخال
رنگ کهر
مشخصات : لک بزرگ در پیشانی امتداد یافته به بین منخرین و لب زیر دوسوم قلم پا و بخلق دست راست سفید
قد 156
صدور شناسنامه 1352
مالک انجمن سلطنتی اسب

امید زمانی

Active member
این اسب یکی از بهترین آخال تکه هایی است که من تا حالا دیدم . حیف ازش زیاد نموند . رنگش کهر طلایی بوده .


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
اینم درقوش
کسی ازش عکسی ندیده بود

Dorghoosh, an Akhal-Teke stallion which was purchased by Jenab Sarhang Neshati from then Soviet Union. For those of you who haven't heard this story from him, he was invited to view the horses prior to the official sales date to buy the ones he likes. He chose Dorghoosh and a while later he was told that it has been a mistake and this stallion is not for sale and in order to make it up to him, they offered to give him any 2 other horses of his choice instead. Janab sarhang insists on this horse only and says he either takes Dorghoosh or none. They even get the Iranian embassador involved to ask jenab sarhang to let go, but as we can all imagine that was not going to happen. Dorghoosh was purchased and brought to the Stable and then sent to Turkman Sahra for reproduction. Sadly he dies shortly after due to falling off the trailer before having many foals. Jenab Sarhang was not happy about the fact that after all of his efforts, Dorghoosh coudn't complete at least one season of reproduction

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