Turkmenistan's goals for Akhal-Tekes


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
President of Turkmenistan visits construction sites of equestrian complexes in velayats

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited the construction sites of the large equestrian complexes in the velayats that would be put into operation in the near future.

As is known, the leader of the Turkmen state as a connoisseur and patron of the Ahalteke breed gives particular attention to the encouragement of breeding horses, revival of the centuries-old traditions of the Turkmen people for whom Ahalteke horses have always been true friends and inseparable companions who shared their ordeals and great victories.

Despite his busy schedule President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited the construction site of the equestrian complex in Ahal Velayat to see the progress of construction work.

...In the early morning the Turkmen leader drove to the construction site, girls dressed in national costumes presented the wonderful bouquets of flowers to Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

The heads of the Mejlis, the Vice Premiers, the high-ranking officials of the agricultural ministries and departments and the top managers of the foreign firms and companies engaged in construction of these facilities in all five velayats of the country greeted heartily and cordially the Turkmen leader there.

Director-General of the Turkmen Atlary State Association S. Gulmammedov presented the draft designs of the equestrian complexes constructed by the well-known foreign companies in accordance with the Special Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan in Ahal, Balkan, Dashoguz, Lebap and Mary Velayat to the Turkmen leader for consideration and briefed Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the progress of construction work.

Upon considering the draft designs that provided a clear idea of architectural design, necessary facilities and equipment of the equestrian complexes under construction, the Turkmen leader talked to the horse trainers and the heads of the sectoral departments present there. Underscoring the significance of the facilities under construction that would give a powerful impetus to develop purebred breeding and various kinds of equestrian sport in the country, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed belief that in the near future equestrian complexes would become the venue for national and international competitions as well as the national centres of professional training of young sportsmen, horse breeders and jockeys who would be able to represent Turkmenistan on the world sports arena. During conversations with the horse breeders Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized on the important role of their work in reviving the best horse breeding traditions that was a priority of the state policy.

Then the Turkmen leader visited an exposition of horse supplies including saddles, boots, gloves, decorative horse trappings made of various materials including precious metals, etc. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov suggested opening small shops producing saddles, bridles, stirrups and other necessary supplies for horses and horse riders in Ashgabat and in all regions of the country in the future. For example, horseshoes could be produced at the metallurgical works. Tracksuits of jockeys and breeders should reflect the unique ethnic features of each region of the country.

Then Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov inspected the progress of construction of the Ahal equestrian complex and talked to the specialists of the foreign firms including the Turkish companies Etkin Yapi Sanayi ve Ticaret AS and Sevincler Insaat Taah. Tic. Ltd. Sti, the Public Corporation Itera-Inwest-Stroy (Russian Federation) and the Lebanese company Goodness International Resources Ltd. that acted as the general contractor of building these facilities. During the conversation the Turkmen leader underlined the importance of observing the quality and schedule of construction and using advanced technologies and know-how applied across the world to implement the construction projects and expressed belief that the foreign partners would spare no effort to complete construction of five hippodromes according to schedule.

During the conversation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov underlined paramount attention given today to development of rural areas and the agricultural sector in the country. An important role in these activities was assigned to enhancing fame of Ahalteke horses. The Turkmen leader emphasized that undying fame of Turkmen miracle-horses had spread throughout the world since the world was created.

The President noted that Ahalteke horses that were the pride and national heritage of the Turkmen people, the adornment of the State Emblem of the country served today as a true symbol of our independent neutral Motherland, a living embodiment of the Turkmen people's aspirations to live peacefully with all peoples of the planet and their commitment to the principles of friendship and brotherhood.

"Our goal today is to increase the populations of wonderful Turkmen horses and create the conditions conducive to breeding thoroughbred horses in the country," the national leader said noting that the Turkmen Atlary State Association had been established and construction of equestrian complexes had been launched in all velayats to ensure the consistent and effective activity in this field. The Government took the consistent measures to enhance fame of Ahalteke horses, spread the information about them worldwide and held international conferences and other events on a regular basis to encourage horse breeding activities.

Touching upon the tasks set to the sector today, the President instructed the relevant officials to allocate lands in each velayat for growing fodder crops, ensure the science-based process for preparation of fodder for purebred Ahalteke horses and draft the projects for construction of specialized enterprises producing high-vitamin food additives.

The President said that particular attention should be given to construction of stables where purebred horses would be raised. "By actively using best international practices for this purpose we must ensure the stabling conditions in compliance with international standards. In particular, the Turkmen leader said that veterinary services should be rendered in a proper manner.

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov instructed Vice Premier M. Akmammedov to provide each equestrian complex with special vehicles for transporting Ahalteke horses and introduce the relevant amendments to the contracts if the construction projects had not provide funds to purchase these vehicles.

"The activities aimed at raising thoroughbred horses should be carried out on a scientific basis. It is necessary to keep strict control of horse primary registration and carry out breeding activity on a regular basis," the Turkmen leader said addressing those present and suggested establishing the horse breeding research institute in the country.

The President put emphasis on the need for producing horse accessories and equipment for `heavenly horses' including horseshoes, saddles and other high-quality items.

"Also, we should open a school for training horse breeders and publish necessary literature including books and a variety of manuals on breeding Ahalteke horses and the sets of rules for sportsmen who took part in international equestrian events. Race tracks should be powered with special sand, the quality of which should be monitored, the Turkmen leader said.

Addressing M. Akmammedov, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the need to bring the activities of the Ashgabat-headquartered International Association of Ahalteke Horse Breeding in compliance with requirements and instructed to hold a conference under the aegis of the International Association to discuss the organizational issues and develop the concrete plan of actions to further encourage horse breeding activities in the country.

Underscoring the significance of the tasks set to the sector, the Turkmen leader said that specialists should have faith in themselves. "This faith is rooted in age-old wisdom of the Turkmen people able to foster sincere friendship between a man and this beautiful living creature that is itself a rare phenomenon not only in the national but also world culture, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said emphasizing that the Government would show an unceasing concern for breeding word-renowned thoroughbred horses and enhancing their glory and grandeur.

The President gave specific instructions to the high-ranking officials of the agricultural departments to facilitate fulfilling the tasks of developing further the agricultural sector including horse breeding.

Giving the specific instructions on the projects of construction of equestrian complexes, the national leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov demanded that strict control be kept of the quality of building materials. The President said that each equestrian complex should have a conference hall for conducting international conferences and symposia.

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov underscored the need to create the most favourable conditions for breeding and keeping horses, in particular high-quality veterinary services. Special vehicles should be bought for transporting horses that would take part in competitions throughout the country. Emphasis was put on the need to allocate special lands for growing fodder crops and construct small plants producing fodder for horses.

The Turkmen leader instructed to compile and publish training manuals on horse breeding, open schools at each complex and give particular attention to teaching this discipline at specialized educational institutions including the University of Agriculture.

Underscoring the outstanding role of the descendants of famous "Nissian" horses in the history of the Turkmen people, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the need to continue the research in preserving the purity of the unique Ahalteke breed, reviving fame of the legendary horses of unsurpassed beauty, grace and briskness. In this regard, the heads of the sectoral departments were instructed to hold a special meeting to discuss the possible measures for improving the work in this very important field.

The elite horses of the legendary Ahalteke breed, the breed recognized universally as a unique achievement of centuries-old horse breeding activities, were demonstrated for the Turkmen leader.

Then the Turkmen leader walked up to the stands of the hippodrome and drew attention of the relevant high-ranking official to a poor condition of seats for spectators. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that the Government substantially invested in construction of equestrian complexes throughout the country, and therefore such negligence of the facilities constructed was unacceptable and demanded that the responsible persons ensure proper use and maintenance of the state property.

The Director General of the Turkmen Atlary Association presented a Mercedes vehicle designed for carrying horses to the President. The Turkmen leader examined and approved the vehicle that satisfied all requirements and ordered to provide each equestrian complex with vehicles of this model.

Heartily bidding farewell to those present, the Turkmen leader wished everyone good health, happiness and every success in fulfilling the tasks.​