What You Need To Take To A Horse Show for The Rider


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
A List of Equipment You May Need for Yourself at a Show
Just as with our horse equipment we always end up taking to much with us when we head out to a show. But we like to be prepared for every situation. This list includes the clothing and equipment you might need for yourself at a horse show.

* Helmet or hat
* Helmet cover if using.
* Hairnet, hair clips and elastics
* Shirts
* Jackets
* Safety pins for emergencies or pinning numbers
* Pins if required (i.e. Pony Club)
* Gloves
* Riding Pants
* Boots
* Spurs if using
* Whip if using
* Medical armband if required.
* Comfortable clothes for after riding
* Tights and half-chaps if needed for schooling pre-show.
* Chaps if needed
* Warm jacket if there’s a chance of cool weather
* Sunglasses and sun hat
* Headache medication
* Food: small sandwiches and fruit that are easy to grab on the run.
* Lots of water and other drinks.
* Lawn chair
* Sunscreen
* Wallet
* Basic first aid kit
* Any paper work like registration papers or Coggins tests you made be required to have.​